Poems for Pessimistic Seniors

A False Economy

May 22, 2017 | 1 minute read

Mum reached the age of 86
And found herself in quite a fix
Of stomach pains she had a bout
She had to have some stuff cut out

So I flew back 4000 miles
So I could be there through the trials
Sit in a hospital hard chair
It wasnt much fun to be there

But she got better every day
And soon found I could safely say
Now you’ll be staying with your son
And I’ll be off, my job is done

Meanwhile i was keeping quite a tally
Flying does not come cheap
The taxi fares were piling up
Into a grand old heap

I must cut back, I told myself
Tonight I’ll get the bus
I cannot use up all our cash,
Or what will become of us

So on the bus I slowly rode
It took 12 an hour more
And as I then alighted
I fell flat upon the floor

A good samaritan found me there
The bleeding was profuse
A blackened eye, and bruised nose
And front teeth all broke and loose

The black eye healed, as did the bruise
The tooth stumps were repaired
It cost five thousand dollars
But I had saved the taxi fare.

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